第233頁(第3/4 頁)
1sevcenko,&l;léon bardalès et les j généraux ou la rruption des rruptibles&r;,b 19(1949),247 ff
[102]cantacuzen 2,58 ff,expressly atas this for 1341
[103]jirecek,schichte 1,361 ff;abu&iddot;rov,&l;istorija na bulgarija prez vreto na sisanovci&r;(history of bulgaria the ti of the sisan dynasty),godisnik na fijskija univ43(1947),40 ff
[104]cfgostrogorsky,&l;dan i njegova vlastela u borbi sa vizantijo&r;(dan and his nobles the struggle with byzantiu),zbornik…cara dana 1(1951),79 ff
[105]jirecek,schichte 1,367 ffdic,&l;za hronologiju danovih osvajanja,vizantiskih gradova&r;(on the chronology of dan&r;s nest of byzante towns),zrvi 4(1956),7
[106]on the date cfsplapros,7(1910),154=lapros-aantos,nr26,4it is given as 1 arch 1331 the chronicle publi射d by gorjanov,vv 2(1949),283,86;on this cfvlaurent,reb 7(1950),209
[107]on the capture of niedeia 1337 cfgarnakis,athens 1947,197,and 5laurent,reb 7(1949),211
[108]cantacuzen 1,474,describes the as.
[109]this chronology follows florskij,&l;andronik i kantakuz&r;,vol204,241 f,note 3
[110]cantacuzen 1,504
[111]on the date of john v&r;s birth(noveber 1331)cf插ranis,&l;short chronicle&r;344,based on lapros-aantos,nr47,11
[112]cantacuzen 2,80
[113]apparently for a ti the epress-other anna was forally regnized as senior vereign nstanlecfthe seals and s tbertelè,oe e sigilli di anna di savoia,iperatrice di bisanzio(ro