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第20部分(第1/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 巨獸求生戰場:開局獲得幸運七!末世想苟,可我開局雙神天賦夢幻西遊:壕壕壕壕壕壕壕壕壕壕被雷劈,然後獲得天降美少女?全民海島求生:我能聽到萬物心聲華夏魔術師:全NBA都想斷我球詭海求生,什麼女船員呀,是祂們三國殺:命運抽牌,我化身大西王我的系統太懂女主了異維文字遊戲公路求生:和姐姐一起靠莊園苟到天災求生,全民守護鹹魚領主網遊之仙途覺醒:自帶頂級功法聯盟之最強財閥上單美利堅:從每日情報開始這個巫師只想帶學生修仙:我有一個物品欄別人聽勸仿明星,你開局扮神明?網遊之我在遊戲裡封神三國從海島屯田開始



The Best Kind of Love


I have a friend who is falling in love。 She honestly claims the sky is bluer。 Mozart moves her to tears。 She has lost 15 pounds and looks like a cover girl。

“I’m young again!” she shouts exuberantly1。

As my friend raves on about her new love; I’ve taken a good look at my old one。 My husband of almost 20 years; Scott; has gained 15 pounds。 Once a marathon runner; he now runs only down hospital halls。 His hairline is receding and his body shows the signs of long working hours and too many candy bars。 Yet he can still give me a certain look across a restaurant table and I want to ask for the check and head home。

When my friend asked me, “What will make this love last?” I ran through all the obvious reasons: mitment; shared interests; unselfishness; physical attraction; munication。 Yet there’s more。 We still have fun。 Spontaneous2 good times。 Yesterday; after slipping the rubber band off the rolled up newspaper; Scott flipped it playfully at me: this led to an all…out war。 Last Saturday at the grocery; we split the list and raced each other to see who could make it to the checkout first。 Even washing dishes can be a blast。 We enjoy simply being together。

And there are surprises。 One time I came home to find a note on the front door that led me to another note; then another; until I re

淫妻性宴死亡通知單 第二部淑女當家向日葵班異鄉口福縱橫法瑪