第36頁(第3/5 頁)
hen ade up the praefectura praetorio per illyricu(cfbelow,p54)cfbury,later roepire 12,28 ff;ekorneann,&l;dioecesis&r; 5(1905),727 ff,and weltschichte 254 ff(with good aps xix and xxi appended)。
[44]cfste,schichte 1,53 ffand untersuchunn&uul;ber das officiu der pratorianerprafektur seit diokletian,vienna 1922;jrpalane,essai sur la préfecture du prétoire au bas-epire,paris 1933
[45]cfaerboak,the aster of the offices the later roan and byzante epires,new york 1914
[46]asdunlap,the office of the grand 插bern the later roan and byzante epires,new york 1924rguilland,&l;les eunues dans l&r;epirebyzant&r;,eb 1(1943),196 ff,and&l;fonctions et dignités des eunues&r;,eb 2(1944),185 ff,3(1945),179 ff
[47]on the byzante senate see the thorough study by echrishilopu,,athens 1949
[48]for a detailed discsion of the honorary titles of the early byzante period,especially the title spectabilis,cfrguillard,&l;etudes sur l&r;histoire adistrative de l&r;epire byzantles titres nobiliaires de la hauteépoe(ive-vie siècles)&r;,zrvi 8,1(1963),117 ff
[49]cfechrishilopu,&l;&r;,bz 44(1951)(dolr-festschrift),79 ff
[50]cfjeberlt,le grand pas de nstanle et le livre des céréonies,paris 1910,p40,n2avogt,nstant porphyrogénètele livre des céréonies,ntaire i(1935),126,is not clear his notes becae he does not see to have noticed that the expression(notas he gives text i,p90,13) 插pter 16