第96頁(第2/4 頁)
r hand, his aurate sei-analytical secular perturbation theory (laskar 1988), laskar fds that lar and irregular variations can appear the eentricities and clations of the terrestrial plas, especially of rcury and ars on a ti-scale of several 109 yr (laskar 1996) the results of laskars secular perturbation theory should be nfird and vestigated by fully nurical tegrations
this paper we present preliary results of six long-ter nurical tegrations on all ne plaary orbits, verg a span of several 109 yr, and of o other tegrations verg a span of &psn; 5 &tis; 1010 yr the total elapsed ti for all tegrations is ore than 5 yr, g several dedicated pcs and workstations one of the fundantal ncsions of our long-ter tegrations is that lar syste plaary otion sees to be stable ters of the hill stability ntioned above, at least over a ti-span of &psn; 4 gyr actually, our nurical tegrations the syste was far ore stable than what is defed by the hill stability criterion: not only did no close enunter happen durg the tegration period, but al all the plaary orbital elents have been nfed a narrow region both ti and freency doa, though plaary otions are sto插stic sce the purpose of this paper is to exhibit and overview the results of our long-ter nurical tegrations, we show typical exaple figures as evidence of the very long-ter stability of lar syste plaary otion for readers who have ore specific and deeper terests our nurical results, we have prepared a webpa (aess ), where we show raw