第99頁(第2/5 頁)
positive rrelations ex插n of angular ontu the negative rrelation ex插n of orbital energy ans that the o plas for a closed dynaical syste ters of the orbital energy the positive rrelation ex插n of angular ontu ans that the o plas are siultaneoly under certa long-ter perturbations candidates for perturbers are jupiter and saturn al fig 11, we can see that ars shows a positive rrelation the angular ontu variation to the ven–earth syste rcury exhibits certa negative rrelations the angular ontu vers the ven–earth syste, which sees to be a reaction caed by the nservation of angular ontu the terrestrial plaary subsyste
it is not clear at the ont why the ven–earth pair exhibits a negative rrelation energy ex插n and a positive rrelation angular ontu ex插n we ay possibly expn this through observg the neral fact that there are no secular ters plaary seiajor axes up to send-order perturbation theories (cf brouwer ≈ap; clence 1961; boaletti ≈ap; pucao 1998) this ans that the plaary orbital energy (which is directly related to the seiajor axis a) ight be uch less affected by perturbg plas than is the angular ontu ex插n (which relates to e) hence, the eentricities of ven and earth can be disturbed easily by jupiter and saturn, which results a positive rrelation the angular ontu ex插n on the other hand, the seiajor axes of ven and earth are less likely to be disturbed by the jovian plas th the energy ex插n ay be liited only with the ven–earth pair,