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第27部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 入住黃金庭院後,愛莉拉我直播重生做教練:我有實況無敵艦隊傳頌之名新還珠格格之人兒歸家海上冰路,我能召喚空投物資管夠浣碧在鈕祜祿氏做嫡女滬圈霸總說他後悔了第五人格:各自安好科幻武俠之星際劍俠傳雲閃富的生命盲盒之旅大明星的男友是農民魔神大人不要再做師尊了超限同步HP:斯萊特林貧困生從夢幻西遊開始的遊戲人生NBA模板麥迪,拯救籃網三巨頭迷霧求生:從昇華萬物開始無敵我若為星君為月直男超甜,男主瘋狂獻上女主劇本眉莊:純元不死你等不過爾爾

Maybe my grandfather's happy about all this; but I'm miserable。 I can't eat; I can't watch TV; I

can't seem to do anything。

So I went to bed early; but I can't sleep。 I've watched her house from my window for hours

now。 I've stared at the sky; I've counted sheep。 But man;

I can't stop kicking myself for what an idiot I've been all these years。

And now how am I going to make her listen to me? I'd scale that monster sycamore if I could。

Right to the top。 And I'd yell her name across the

rooftops for the whole world to hear。

And since you know what a tree…climbing weenie I am; I think it's pretty clear that I'm willing

to do anything to get her to talk to me。 Man; I'll dive

after her into a chicken coop full of poop if that's what it takes。 I'll ride my bike all the stinkin'

way to school for the rest of eternity if it means being

with her。

Something。 I've got to e up with some thing to show her that I've changed。 To prove to

her that I understand。

But what? How do I show her that I'm not the guy she thinks I am? How do I erase everything

I've done and start over?

Maybe I can't。 Maybe it just can not be done。 But if I've learned one thing from Juli Baker; it's

that I've got to put my whole heart and soul into it and


Whatever happens; I know that my grandfather's right about one thing。

I'll never be the same again。

