第1部分(第4/8 頁)
parative advantage 比較優勢
pensating balance 補償性最低存款額
petitive advertising 競爭性廣告
confirmed letter of credit 保兌信用證;保兌信用狀
consequential loss 災後損失;後果性損失;間接性損失
consignment 寄銷
consignment note 託運通知書
consular invoice 領事簽證單;領事發票
consumer behaviour 消費者行為
Consumer Council 消費者委員會
Consumer Council Ordinance 消費者委員會條例
consumer goods 消費品
consumer loyalty 消費者忠誠
consumer market 消費者市場
consumer survey 消費者調查
container 貨櫃;貨箱
containerization 貨櫃運輸;貨櫃化
contract 合約;契約;合同
contributed capital 繳入資本
convenience goods 便利品
convenience store 便利店;便利店鋪
convertible bond 可調換公司債券;可換債券
convertible preference share 可轉換優先股
copyright 版權
corporation 公司
cost and freight (C & F) 成本包括運費
cost of goods sold 銷貨成本
cost; insurance and freight (CIF) 貨價、保險及運費;到岸價格
courier service 速遞服務
covered warrant 備兌認股權證;回購認股證
credit (l)貸方,(2)貸項,(3)貸記,(4)貸入,(5)賒帳,(6)信用
credit card 信用卡
credit insurance 信用保險;信貸保險
credit note 貸項通知單;入帳通知書
credit period 賒帳期間
credit policy 信用政策;信貸政策
credit sale 賒售;賒銷
credit transfer 貸項轉帳
credit union 儲蓄互助社
credit worthiness 信貸可靠性
creditor 債權人
crossed cheque 劃線支票
cum dividend 帶息
cumulative dividend 累積股息
cumulative preference share 累積優先股
current account (1)往來存款賬戶;活期存款賬戶,(2)往來帳
current asset 流動資產