第39頁(第3/4 頁)
fit was penskij(&l;partii&r;1 ff)who first stressed their political significance and this view was on adopted by scholars,but it is only recently that research on this subject has begun to ake greater progress(see below)。
[102]cfbury&r;s adirable phrase&l;the des were the urban populace anized as a local ilitia&r;,adsyste,105,n2penskij,&l;partii&r;,had already supported a siilar view this respect it is 插racteristic that the nuber of the active bers of the des appears fro the urces to have been sall;the nteporary aount of theophylact siocattes(edde boor,207)was based on official statistics and for the year 602 stated that there were 1,500 greens and 900 bes nstanleaordg to the late aount of d(de signis 47)the o des nubered 8,000 n at the ti of theodosi 2,which would have been only a very sall proportion of the population of nstanle
[103]this is the view of anojilovic,&l;peuple de nstanle&r;。
[104]see djakonov,&l;vizdiy&r;,and al levcenko,&l;vey i prasy v vizantii v 5-7 vv&r;(greens and bes byzantiu fro the fifth to the seventh centuries),5526(1947),164 ff,who suarizes the results of djakonov&r;s iportant work
[105] addition to bibliography already cited see bury,later roepire 12,84 ff,and al bratianu,privilès,46 ff;hgrégoire,&l;le peuple de nstanle ou les ble et les verts&r;,ptes rend de l&r;acaddes scret belles lettres 1946,568 ff;fdvornik,&l;the circ parties byzantiu&r;,byzanta-tabyzanta 1(1946),119 ffparticularly iportant is the