首頁 > 科幻靈異 > 山蒼子油的作用與功效 > 第38頁

第38頁(第1/3 頁)

最新科幻靈異小說: 迫害文豪演繹DIO名場面之後(綜漫同人)我和我的馬甲都很怪她死後的第三十年玉露凝棠戀愛X直播間予千秋我在八零搞運輸金手指是一見鍾情絆惹春風(雙重生)HP魔法與暗戀指南末日降臨成為精神系大佬後殺瘋了重生後,四歲萌娃橫掃末世!覺醒後,才發現自己是炮灰人間樂土漂亮玩家只想通關[無限]馭宦狀元家的卷王小夫郎厭惡關係受邀去守海的龍[種田]末世財閥:開局被重生女主倒貼

a dai: how are you beg

as a girl left you alone silently i don&l;t know whether i can e the nickna‐a dai

now, lyg bed with y ar, i fd the truth that you are always y d it&l;s you who waited for o hours ld freezg weather and it&r;s you who lyg y ar, silg sweetly like a child a ntle and fragile boy, desire was revealed your expression, which ade oved there are differences beeen you and other, at least i thk

durg that night, y iagation ca true, jt that night i found i need you, i love you

now , i love you as before

and , 射 is your ipression your little girl jt like her father dear you, i&l;ve been ed to a sgle-parent a the baby would be taken good care of forever, you should look after yourself well

i a rry to be away fro you, i&l;ve no idea but lay the love deep y heart becae i can not even say a word when seeg you you are a kd-heart boy for you sypathize with although you don&r;t love , you touch , you treasure that is enough all is clear (you paid yourself for) after i saw your purity that night

i hadn&l;t suffered too uch for long no atter how you

stayg with you was the best thg that ever happened to i a glad and happy the truth we have to face is that livg tother for a ti is happy , but happess will not last forever you can&l;t waste your life to ake happy life is cruel that it told that you don&r;t belong to all the ti throughout y life a daughter for you is the bigst satisfaction y lif
