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第84章 暴走(第1/4 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網遊之驚天傳說網遊:滿級了還在新手村殺兔子全民試煉:天賦重構網遊:從三國征戰萬朝開局十個神話天賦,你怎麼和我打虛擬降臨:我成了一槍核爆人開局點滿頭球天賦,梅西嚇哭了足球小將,你管這叫17歲?老爸用我照片網戀,富婆找我奔現!生存遊戲升級日常籃壇:我在NBA加點成超巨超!猛萌召喚師說好的水靈根,你批次生產神器?籃壇之史上最強GOAT足球:我從小就是天才開局獲得滿級速度,殺穿五大聯賽領主求生:我有暗區突圍系統說好全民求生,你來海島度假開局退婚十個未婚妻庸者


就在這時,突然一名下屬進來報告:“colonel mason, we have received a call from the branch, and the experimental subject who escaped from the branch has been eliminated. the secret of the branch has not been leaked.(梅森上校,我們得到分部的電話,從分部逃脫的那名實驗體已被消滅,分部的秘密並未洩露。)”

“Great! Immediately call back and tell them that if there are any more mistakes, I will make sure they don't see the sun the next day!(太好了!立刻回電告訴他們,如果再出紕漏,我會讓他們見不著第二天的太陽!)”梅森上校道。



“So, where is the progress of the pursuit of Rebecca?(怎麼樣,追剿瑞貝卡的事情進行到哪一步了?)”梅森上校問道。

“Report to colonel mason, we tracked Rebecca's whereabouts a few days ago, but when we caught up, she had already run away from us.(報告梅森上校,前兩天我們追蹤到瑞貝卡的行蹤了,可是追過去的時候她已經先我們一步跑掉了。)”追剿瑞貝卡的下屬透過電話向梅森上校回話。

“once Rebecca leaves our control, the consequences will be unimaginable! I don't need to say that you all know her abilities. She is a third-generation biochemist, but her abilities are basically parable to those of a fourth generation biochemist. the most terrifying thing is that she is a biochemist with independent thinking, and she is not subject to our mands. Keeping a dog is for the purpose of guarding the house. If the dog betrays itself, then it will have to be slaughtered, no matter how fierce the dog may be.(瑞貝卡一旦脫離我們的控

杜黃皮 媚媚貓怦然婚動(歡樂頌同人)[歡樂頌]老司機和軟兔子雙龍奪璧之雪靈璧天命樂師第一妾 風雲小妖