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第3章 爬樹(第4/5 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 夢幻西遊:我有神級進階系統【足球】我在中超練小妖網遊之匠藝人生奇門風水大天師開局被貶為庶民,我直升陸地神仙華娛:瀟灑人生抗戰:我能賦予小兵詞條斷絕關係後,我繼承了鎮北王都重生了誰還混社會戀綜:你惹他幹嘛?他五行缺德啊美漫:我的運氣有億點點好!七零軍婚:那兩口子都有點癲一別兩寬,將軍自重,妾身想獨美閨蜜齊穿書!嫁糙漢!你離我也離天物覺醒:我能刻印一切大明:朱元璋假死,我選擇登基!騎士與魔杖LOL:一戰成名,出道即巔峰異界打造奇觀,從神級酒館開始中國籃球復興之路

y. what's your name?(我叫森迪,你叫什麼名字?)”森迪問道。

“three horizontal and one vertical(三橫一豎)”獸皮男子道。

“three horizontal and one vertical? what is this word? how should I write it?(三橫一豎?這是什麼字?應該怎麼寫?)”森迪好奇地從地上撿起一根斷的樹枝在地上划著什麼。

“No, it's not like that. It should be like that!(不,不是這麼寫,應該這麼寫!)”說著,三橫一豎拿過森迪手裡的樹枝在地上划著。

“what is this word?(這是什麼字?)”森迪望著三橫一豎在地上寫的字道。

“this word reads wang, it es from china!(這個字念王,它出自中國!)”三橫一豎道。

“oh, I remember. It is indeed a chinese character. I have seen it on the Internet. It seems that you are a chinese!(哦我想起來了,它確實是中國的漢字,我在網上見到過,看來你是一箇中國人!)”森迪道。

“who knows, I can't remember anything anyway!(誰知道呢,反正我什麼都想不起來了!)”三橫一豎道。

“take your time, you will surely remember, just like you just told me that you can't worry about climbing trees!(慢慢來,你一定會想起來的,就像剛剛你告訴我爬樹不能著急一樣!)”森迪微笑道。


“can you introduce your animal family to me?(可以介紹你的動物家人給我認識嗎?)”森迪道。

“Sure, but as you saw last night, they are not all so friendly!(當然可以,但就如你昨晚見到的一樣,它們並非全都那麼友好!)”三橫一豎道。

“For example?(比如說呢?)”森迪道。

“the mr. wolf who attacked you last night has always been unfriendly to me, but he and his family will never dare to offend me!(昨晚襲擊你的那位狼先生,一直都跟我不怎麼友好,但它和它的家族也絕不敢犯我!)”三橫一豎道。

“It should have been killed by Nina last night!(昨晚它應該已經被尼娜給殺死了!)”森迪道。

“don't worry, they dare not do anything to you with me here!(放心吧,有我在這裡它們不敢把你怎麼樣的!)”三橫一豎道。

“who else is here besides Nina and mr. wolf who


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