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第52章 攔路殺(第1/5 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 星途:風暴獵殺秦風楊如雪陳浩蘇雪重生我主宰了全球經濟NBA:全體球星抱團只為擊敗我女富婆的貼身神醫楚陽秦瑤帝少追緝:夫人她馬甲又炸了巔峰幻界狼人殺:神級獵魔,四獵四狼地球遊戲者關於猴子掉進泰拉瑞亞這件事災難世界之我有紅警阿拉德冒險傳說神醫能有什麼壞心思?嘴強玩家:我一句話解封眾神全民海洋求生:一發入魂出奇跡玩個遊戲而已,怎麼成邪神了?海島求生:我靠錦鯉崽崽囤物資小木屋求生:無限危機


“tell me quickly, how did you do it?(快告訴我,你是怎麼做到的?)”風衣男子激動地道。

“Young master, do you want to learn? this is a trade secret.(公子,你想學嗎?這可是商業秘密。)”格雷格自豪地道。

“trade secrets? e on, how much do you want to teach me?(商業秘密?說吧,多少錢你才肯教我?)”風衣男子道。

“do you want to learn? If you want to learn, I can teach you for free, but I have one condition.(你想學啊?你想學我可以免費教你,但我有一個條件。)”格雷格道。

“what conditions?(什麼條件?)”風衣男子道。

“I want to meet your father and also hope that the young master will introduce me.(我想見你父親,還希望公子代為引見。)”格雷格微笑道。

“originally, you played so many tricks to meet my father. my father is not an ordinary person, not someone who wants to see him.(原來你玩了那麼多花樣是為了見我父親,我父親可不是一般人,不是誰想見就能見的。)”風衣男子道。

“So what can I do to meet your father?(那我要怎麼做才能見到你的父親呢?)”格雷格道。

“my father is very busy and doesn't have time to meet small characters like you. You guys should go back!(我父親很忙的,沒有時間見你們這種小角色,你們還是請回吧!)”風衣男子冷冷地道。

“Young master, there is a very difficult matter that only your father can solve at the moment, so please take me to meet him.(公子,眼下有一件非常棘手的事只有你的父親出面才能解決,所以還請公子領我去見一見他。)”格雷格誠懇地道。

“my father once said, he doesn't see anyone, he has his own business to be busy with, and doesn't have so much time to meet so many boring people!(我父親說過,他誰都不見,他有他自己的事情要忙,沒那麼多時間見那麼多無聊的人!)”風衣男子道。

“Young master, in fact, we came to see your father today on behalf of someone else. Even your father may be afraid to r

妖神瑾言盛夏腹黑總裁我是你的灰姑娘錦衣衛進異界錯愛美男之新婚下堂妻(完結)錦醫 完結