首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 我是誰、為了誰、依靠誰 > 第50章 老大和跟班

第50章 老大和跟班(第5/6 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 夢幻西遊:我有神級進階系統【足球】我在中超練小妖網遊之匠藝人生奇門風水大天師開局被貶為庶民,我直升陸地神仙華娛:瀟灑人生抗戰:我能賦予小兵詞條斷絕關係後,我繼承了鎮北王都重生了誰還混社會戀綜:你惹他幹嘛?他五行缺德啊美漫:我的運氣有億點點好!七零軍婚:那兩口子都有點癲一別兩寬,將軍自重,妾身想獨美閨蜜齊穿書!嫁糙漢!你離我也離天物覺醒:我能刻印一切大明:朱元璋假死,我選擇登基!騎士與魔杖LOL:一戰成名,出道即巔峰異界打造奇觀,從神級酒館開始中國籃球復興之路

change the current situation.(如果我不這麼做,就救不回金妮,也改變不了現在的境況。)”格雷格道。

“If you must do this, you must take me with you. I don't trust you alone!(如果你非要這麼做的話那就必須帶上我,你一個人我不放心!)”馬克思警長道。

“do you want to participate in this matter? You're the sheriff, how do you deal with those gang leaders? And some of them have had grudges with you.(你要參與這件事?你可是警長啊,你怎麼面對那些黑幫頭目?並且他們中有的還跟你有過仇怨。)”格雷格問道。

“this is simple. I can hide my identity as a police chief without wearing police uniforms. Now you are the boss, and I am your attendant.(這個簡單,我可以不穿警服,收起警長的身份,現在你才是老大,我是你的跟班。)”馬克思警長笑道。

“Are you sure you want to do this? Are you really willing?(你確定要這麼做嗎?你真的甘心?)”格雷格有些不敢相信。

“of course, I once said that for miami and Florida, I would be willing to kneel for you, and that's nothing.(當然,我曾經說過,為了邁阿密,為了佛羅里達,讓我給你下跪我都願意,這又算得了什麼。)”馬克思警長道。

“okay, that really hurts you, Sheriff marx.(好吧,那真是委屈你了馬克思警長。)”格雷格道。

“No, boss, I'm your little attendant now, not some sheriff!(不,老大,我現在是你的小跟班,不是什麼警長!)”馬克思警長笑道。

“Let's go, follow me and go to my place to pick up the most powerful thing together.(走吧跟班,一起去我那裡取那件最厲害的東西。)”格雷格道。

“wait, boss, what about this guy?(等一下,老大,這傢伙怎麼辦?)”馬克思警長望了一眼那名俘虜道。

“don't kill me, I won't report it. If the boss doesn't contact me, I won't have a chance!(不要殺我,我不會去報信的,老大不聯絡我,我根本就沒機會啊!)”那名俘虜道。

“According to me, it's better to kill him before he goes to report.(依我說還是殺了好,省得他去報信。)”格雷格回頭看了一眼那名俘虜道。

“Knock him unconscious and let him li


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