首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 我是誰沒有絕對安全的系統 > 第50章 老大和跟班

第50章 老大和跟班(第4/6 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網遊之驚天傳說網遊:滿級了還在新手村殺兔子全民試煉:天賦重構網遊:從三國征戰萬朝開局十個神話天賦,你怎麼和我打虛擬降臨:我成了一槍核爆人開局點滿頭球天賦,梅西嚇哭了足球小將,你管這叫17歲?老爸用我照片網戀,富婆找我奔現!生存遊戲升級日常籃壇:我在NBA加點成超巨超!猛萌召喚師說好的水靈根,你批次生產神器?籃壇之史上最強GOAT足球:我從小就是天才開局獲得滿級速度,殺穿五大聯賽領主求生:我有暗區突圍系統說好全民求生,你來海島度假開局退婚十個未婚妻庸者

powerful thing in my hand, which can turn the world around.(我手裡有一件很厲害很厲害的東西,這東西足可以扭轉乾坤。)”格雷格道。

“what is so powerful?(是什麼東西這麼厲害?)”馬克思警長好奇地問道。

“It's something that can shake both black and white!(是一件足可以撼動黑白兩道的東西!)”格雷格微笑道。

“Stinky boy, stop being so close and tell me what it is?(臭小子,別賣關子了,快告訴我是什麼東西?)”馬克思警長催促道。

“Sheriff marx, if it's inconvenient for you to e forward with the next matter, let me handle it!(馬克思警長,接下來的事你不便出面,就讓我去著手辦吧!)”格雷格道。

“what are you talking about? why is it inconvenient for me to e forward? I am the sheriff, how could this matter be without me?(你說什麼呢?為什麼我不方便出面?我可是警長,這件事怎麼能少了我?)”馬克思警長不服氣地道。

“It is precisely because you are the sheriff that it is inconvenient for you to e forward.(正是因為你是警長,所以才不方便出面。)”格雷格道。

“what is the reason behind this?(你這是什麼道理?)”馬克思警長不解地道。

“because all the people I'm going to e into contact with next are the worst, most ferocious, and darkest gang leaders, as a police chief, it's inconvenient for you to e forward!(因為我接下來要去接觸的全部都是最壞、最兇、最黑的黑幫頭目,所以做為警長,你才不便出面嘛!)”格雷格道。

“Are you going to use them? they're just a bunch of scumbags! besides, how do you know they will definitely listen to you?(你要去動用他們?他們就是一群人渣!更何況你怎麼知道他們就一定會聽你的?)”馬克思警長震驚地道。

“Except for that powerful thing, everything else depends on luck.(除了那件很厲害的東西之外,其他的就看運氣了。)”格雷格道。

“No, this matter is too dangerous, you can't do it!(不行,這件事太兇險了,你不能幹!)”馬克思警長反對道。

“If I don't do this, I won't be able to save Ginny or


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