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第84章 暴走(第1/4 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 星途:風暴獵殺秦風楊如雪陳浩蘇雪重生我主宰了全球經濟NBA:全體球星抱團只為擊敗我女富婆的貼身神醫楚陽秦瑤帝少追緝:夫人她馬甲又炸了巔峰幻界狼人殺:神級獵魔,四獵四狼地球遊戲者關於猴子掉進泰拉瑞亞這件事災難世界之我有紅警阿拉德冒險傳說神醫能有什麼壞心思?嘴強玩家:我一句話解封眾神全民海洋求生:一發入魂出奇跡玩個遊戲而已,怎麼成邪神了?海島求生:我靠錦鯉崽崽囤物資小木屋求生:無限危機


就在這時,突然一名下屬進來報告:“colonel mason, we have received a call from the branch, and the experimental subject who escaped from the branch has been eliminated. the secret of the branch has not been leaked.(梅森上校,我們得到分部的電話,從分部逃脫的那名實驗體已被消滅,分部的秘密並未洩露。)”

“Great! Immediately call back and tell them that if there are any more mistakes, I will make sure they don't see the sun the next day!(太好了!立刻回電告訴他們,如果再出紕漏,我會讓他們見不著第二天的太陽!)”梅森上校道。



“So, where is the progress of the pursuit of Rebecca?(怎麼樣,追剿瑞貝卡的事情進行到哪一步了?)”梅森上校問道。

“Report to colonel mason, we tracked Rebecca's whereabouts a few days ago, but when we caught up, she had already run away from us.(報告梅森上校,前兩天我們追蹤到瑞貝卡的行蹤了,可是追過去的時候她已經先我們一步跑掉了。)”追剿瑞貝卡的下屬透過電話向梅森上校回話。

“once Rebecca leaves our control, the consequences will be unimaginable! I don't need to say that you all know her abilities. She is a third-generation biochemist, but her abilities are basically parable to those of a fourth generation biochemist. the most terrifying thing is that she is a biochemist with independent thinking, and she is not subject to our mands. Keeping a dog is for the purpose of guarding the house. If the dog betrays itself, then it will have to be slaughtered, no matter how fierce the dog may be.(瑞貝卡一旦脫離我們的控

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