首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 我是誰20個答案 > 第50章 老大和跟班

第50章 老大和跟班(第2/6 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 夢幻西遊:我有神級進階系統【足球】我在中超練小妖網遊之匠藝人生奇門風水大天師開局被貶為庶民,我直升陸地神仙華娛:瀟灑人生抗戰:我能賦予小兵詞條斷絕關係後,我繼承了鎮北王都重生了誰還混社會戀綜:你惹他幹嘛?他五行缺德啊美漫:我的運氣有億點點好!七零軍婚:那兩口子都有點癲一別兩寬,將軍自重,妾身想獨美閨蜜齊穿書!嫁糙漢!你離我也離天物覺醒:我能刻印一切大明:朱元璋假死,我選擇登基!騎士與魔杖LOL:一戰成名,出道即巔峰異界打造奇觀,從神級酒館開始中國籃球復興之路


“So Ginny's current situation is too dangerous! Sheriff marx, Antonio, where is he now?(那金妮現在的處境太危險了!馬克思警長,安東尼奧他現在在哪裡?)”聽完馬克思警長的介紹,格雷格因為過於擔心而激動地道。

“I think this question should be answered by personnel within his organization, don't you think?(我想這個問題應該由他組織內的人員來回答,你覺得呢?)”說著,馬克思警長將一名俘虜推到了格雷格的面前。

“did you catch Ginny?(是不是你們抓了金妮?)”格雷格望著那名俘虜道。

“I don't know, even if it is not in our group. Although we all belong to the organization of poison hunters, we do not act in unity, but rather in groups. this way, even if one group is attacked, it will not disrupt the deployment of other groups.(我不知道,就算是也不是我們這一組的。雖然我們都屬於獵毒師這個組織,但我們並不是統一行動,而是分組進行。這樣就算是哪一組遇襲,也不會打亂其他組的部署。)”那名俘虜回道。

“where is your boss Antonio now?(你們老大安東尼奧現在在哪?)”格雷格繼續問道。

“No one knows where our boss is. we rely on signal flares. when we see signal flares in the sky, we will gather at the place that the boss has agreed with us in advance, and then he will convey orders to us.(沒人知道我們老大在哪,我們是以訊號彈為準,看到天空發出訊號彈,我們就會在老大事先跟我們說好的地方聚集,然後他再給我們傳達命令。)”那名俘虜道。

“this guy is very cunning, it seems that catching a claw is useless.(這傢伙很狡猾,看來抓到一個爪牙也無濟於事。)”馬克思警長無奈地道。頓了一下,馬克思警長對著銀行裡的人質道:“Leave now, you are free!(快離開吧,你們自由了!)”

“Let's go, Greg. e back to the police station with me first!(走吧格雷格,先跟我回警署再說!)”在人質都離開後,馬克思警長摟著格雷格向外面走去,也不看格雷格那難看的要死的臉色。

“melissa, please answer. what is the situation in each district now?(梅麗莎,聽到請回答,現在各區的情況怎麼樣?)”走出銀行,馬克思警長按著對講機上的通話鍵


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