第103章 實驗物件(第3/5 頁)
“Just hand over tong Lewen and Su mo to him and see if he can take action against them.(就把童樂文和蘇沫交給他,看他能不能對他們下的去手。)”梅森上校道。
“what if he backfires?(那他萬一反水怎麼辦?)”費尼特一臉擔憂的道。
“Are you still afraid that he might run away in our place?(在咱們的地方,你還怕他跑了不成?)”梅森上校道。
“okay, let's do it this way for now!(好吧,先就這麼辦吧!)”費尼特回道。
“why did tong Lewen and Su mo e to me? Isn't this a military secret?(對付童樂文和蘇沫為什麼找我?這不是軍事機密嗎?)”烏鴉一邊走一邊好奇的問道。
“It was granted by colonel mason, perhaps because he knew you were old acquaintances, that's why he let you personally take action.(是梅森上校特許的,也許是因為梅森上校知道你們是老相識,所以才讓你親自動手的吧。)”費尼特回答道。
“okay, thank colonel mason for me. I really enjoy this job.(好,替我謝謝梅森上校,我很喜歡這份工作。)”烏鴉微笑道。
“crow, Su mo is your best friend. If you were to turn her into our experimental subject now, would you really not feel sad at all?(烏鴉,蘇沫可是你最好的朋友,現在讓你把她變成我們的實驗體,你就真的一點都不難過?)”費尼特難以置信的道。
“what's so sad about someone who has already betrayed me? when she betrayed me, she should have thought about the consequences.(一個已經背叛了我的人有什麼好難過的,她背叛我的時候就應該想到這個後果。)”烏鴉道。
“do you have no feelings for her at all?(那你對她就一點感情都沒有嗎?)”費尼特問道。
“how much is emotion worth? what I, the crow, want is supreme power and money!(感情值幾個錢?我烏鴉要的是無上的權力和金錢!)”烏鴉回答道。
“crow, although I am satisfied with your answer, I have to sa