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第27部分(第3/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: NBA:這個前鋒眾望所歸NBA:我要當Goat王!畫素修仙,法力無邊網遊之無限剽竊網遊:鍛鍊加生命,這個體育生有億點肉繫結系統後我在海上乘風破浪被系統砸死後,重回海上求生吃香公路求生:我能無限抽取載具足球:開局傳奇確被系統回爐重造王者:對面五個國一?還行,好打他重生帶著先天靈寶,你惹他幹嘛全班穿越,我有醫藥系統帶贏祖國轉生異界精靈魔女異世小說家,卡池陪跑達達鴨匕落黃泉新星家園公路求生:我能聽到提示穿越末世我靠抽獎成了最強基地主大師姐只是性格有點佛,又不是弱守山日常:雪豹上門求接生

tter myself I am hard and tough as an India…rubber ball; pervious; though; through a chink or two still; and with one sentient point in the middle of the lump。 Yes: does that leave hope for me?”

“Hope of what; sir?”

“Of my final re…transformation from India…rubber back to flesh?”

“Decidedly he has had too much wine;” I thought; and I did not know what answer to make to his queer question: how could I tell whether he was capable of being re…transformed?

“You looked very much puzzled; Miss Eyre; and though you are not pretty any more than I am handsome; yet a puzzled air bees you; besides; it is convenient; for it keeps those searching eyes of yours away from my physiognomy; and busies them with the worsted flowers of the rug; so puzzle on。 Young lady; I am disposed to be gregarious and municative to…night。”

With this announcement he rose from his chair; and stood; leaning his arm on the marble mantelpiece: in that attitude his shape was seen plainly as well as his face; his unusual breadth of chest; disproportionate almost to his length of limb。 I am sure most people would have thought him an ugly man; yet there was so much unconscious pride in his port; so much ease in his demeanour; such a look of plete indifference to his own external appearance; so haughty a reliance on the power of other qualities; intrinsic or adventitious; to atone for the lack of mere personal attractiveness; that; in looking at him; one inevitably shared the indiffer

