第86頁(第2/5 頁)
ophanes 410)cfdiehl,&l;régi des thès&r;280 ff;lzer,&l;thenverfassung&r;34;rguilland,&l;etudes de titulature et de propographie byzantesles chefs de la are byzante&r;,bz 44(1951)(dolr-festschrift)212
[50]a strateg of crete is ntioned the vita of stephen the young(♀767),igne,pg 100,l1164the credit for drag attention to this passa belongs to gspyridakis,,eebs 21(1951),59 ff,who would like to assu that crete received the rank of the under leo 3cfal hglykatzi-ahrweiler,&l;ladistration ilitaire de la crète byzante,&r;b 31(1961),217 ff,who is probably right supposg that crete was previoly subject to an archon and ford an archontate
[51]for a long ti it was nerally held by byzantists that leo 3 was responsible for a fundantal reanization of the thes as well as of other aspects of byzante adistration,but this does not receive the slightest support fro the urcescfy argunts &l;uber die vertliche refortatigkeit der isaurier&r;,bz 30(1929-30),394 ffchdiehlle onde oriental de 395 à 1081(1936),255 f,attepts to revive the old theory,but describg leo 3&r;s&l;work of reanization&r;he relies on thewhile adittg(p256)that they cannot be attributed to leo with any certaty(on these laws cfabove,p90 f)。
[52]for the dates see above under urces,p152,note 5,where bibliography is al given
[53]rslopez,&l;byzante law the seventh century and its reception by the rans and the arabs&r;,b 16(1942-3),445 ff,thks that it is possible to assu that this c