第134頁(第1/6 頁)
[201]leo the dean 101
[202]cfgostrogorsky,&l;o visantiski drzavni seljacia i vojnicia-dve povelje iz doba jovana ciiska&r;(on byzante state&r;peasants and ldiers-o ordances fro the reign of john tziisces),glas srpske akadnauka 214(1954),23 ffand paysannerie,11 ff
[203]cfputafciev,&l;rsko-bolgarskie otnosenija pri svjatoslave&r;(r-bulgarian relations the ti of svjatoslav),sekond4(1931),77 ff
[204]this chronology follows fdolr,&l;die chronologie des grossen feldz des kaisers johannes tziiskes n die rsen&r;,bz 32(1932),275 fffor different views cfdanastasijevicsekond3(1929),1 ff;bz 30(1929-30),400 ff,and 31(1931),328 ff;élans diehl 1(1930),1 ff;b 6(1931),337 ff,who tries to defend the thesis that the war agast svjatoslav did not last three onths,but three years(up to 974);but cfhgrégoire,b 12(1937),267 ff,who,like dolr,places the capaign the period april-july 971(cdfdolr,bz 38(1938),232 ff);cfal pkaryskovskij,&l;o chronologii rsko-vizantijskoj vojny pri svjatoslave&r;(the chronology of the r-byzante war the ti of svjatoslav),vv 5(1952),136 ff
[205]the ters of the capitulation are preserved the old rsian chronicle,polnbrrskle1,72 f(ran transby trautann,die nestor-chronik 49 ff;english transby cross,rsian priary chronicle(1953),89 ff)it is dated july of the 14 th diction of the year 6479,which is july 971this fact itself,though it has been igored the dispute beeen dolr and anastasijevic(cfthe previo note),decisively settles the es