第192頁(第2/4 頁)
ubli射d by fpenskij,&l;o rukopisjach istorii nikity akoata v parizskoj nacionbibl,(the ancripts of the history of nicetas aat the bibliothèe nationale,paris),znp 194(1877),76the ntents of the oration are expounded detail by andreeva,&r;a propos de l&r;élo de l&r;epereur jean 3 batatzès par n fils théodore 2 lascaris&r;,annales de l&r;stkondakov 10(1938),133 ff
[15]lbachann,theodori ducae lascaris iperatoris lauden nicaeae urbis oratio,rostock 1847there is a detailed analysis of an unedited speech on the duties of subjects towards their ruler by elappa-zizicas,&l;un traitéédit de théodore 2 lascaris&r;,actes du vie ngrès ternatd&r;etudes byz1(1950),199 ff
[16]edwith ntary by heisenberg,&l;paolonzeit&r;97 ff
[17]iklosich-&uul;ller 3,68-76;critical edition with any endations and detailed ntary by nfesta,&l;le lettere greche di federigo 2&r;,archivio stori italiano,serv,t13(1894),1-34
[18]a list of the fifteen known docunts( part survivg only a lat trans)of the epirote rulers with vaable nts is given by plerle,&l;trois actes du despote d&r;(1953),407 ffcfal ide,&l;le privilè du despote d&r;epire thoas i pour le vénitien jaces ntareno&r;,bz 44(1951),389 ff;arkovic,&l;vizantiske povelje dubrovackog arhiva&r;(byzante docunts the archives of dubrovnik),zbornik radova vizst1(1952),205 ff
[19]vgvasiljevskij,&l;epirotica saeculi 103&r;,553(1896),233-99;spétridès,&l;