第122頁(第1/4 頁)
[4]iportant additions fro a f scylitzes,which deal with the history of sauel and his kgdo,are given by bprokic,die zatze der hsdes jskylitzes dvdobhistgrlxx6,unich 1906on the sf scylitzes cfcde boor,bz 13(1904),356 ff,and 14(1905),409 ff,757 ff,and on the sf cedren,kschwe-burg,bz 30(1929-30),68 ff
[5]oravcsik,byzantoturcica i,340,rightly cites this as&l;ioannes scylitzes ntuat&r;。
[6]all the passas referrg to byzante history basil ii&r;s ti,as well as a nuber of fragnts fro other parts of this chronicle were publi射d and translated to rsian by rosen,bolgarobojcathe part up to the death of john tziisces is given the origal text with a french translation the edition of jkratschkovskij and avasiliev,patrologia orientalis x8(1924),705 ff extracts for the period 940-60 are given rsian translation vasiliev,vizantija i araby 2,prilp61 ff,and french translation vasiliev,byzance et les arades 2,2,pp91 ffother arabic urces for byzante history are al found this work(there are nsiderably fuller extracts the french translation)。
[7]polnoe branie rskich leisej(a plete llection of rsian chronicles)1(1926-8)and 2(1908)ran transby rtrautann,die altrsische nestor-chronik,leipzig 1931;english transby shcross and op射rbowitz-wetzor,the rsian priary chronicle:laurentian text,cabrid,ass1953
[8]edfipenskij,dik v nedelju pravoslavija(synod for orthodoxy sunday),odessa 1893al penskij,ocerki 1 ffcfichel,kerullarios 2,1 ff,and oriens christian ns12(1925),151 ffcf