第235頁(第4/4 頁)
n nr74
[156]cfcantacuzen 3,248gregoras 3,181,says the turks actually nubered 12,000 n
[157]aordg to cantacuzen 3,33atthew origally had no special titular dignity but held a rank which was&l;higher than that of a despot and idiately below that of the eperor&r;this rank beeen basile and despot,for which there was no special designation,was first held by the n of i插el 8,nstante palaeolog(cantacuzen,ibid)this was the stran culation of the creasg debasent and differentiation of titles:the scale of precedence aong the highest honours had bee plicated that it uld no lonr be defed ncise ters
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