首頁 > 其他小說 > 山海經怪獸免費觀看完整版 > 第一百六十三章 單父的電話

第一百六十三章 單父的電話(第1/2 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 我的女兒是屍王陽光正好帝君紅顏策玄鏡高懸穿成惡毒後孃,我趕海養活三個崽綜影視之歸途被婆婆羞辱,四年後我帶崽嫁入豪門宴予笙笙你是我的蓁星宸意清穿,四爺他超超超超超愛宋格格聽見動物心聲後,我直播爆紅了時光說:我依然愛你一胎雙寶,霍總跪求複合神算崽崽下山了,全城大佬寵翻天逆天而行的劍修之路穿書後我成了恐怖小說裡的npc商海破浪行嫁給京圈首富後,全家跪著求原諒情港春日穿越牧馬人,截胡秀芝做老婆







“I love you

Not only for what you are

but for what I am

I love you

Not only for what

You have made of yourself

but for what

You are making of me

I love you

For the part of me

that you bring out,

I love you

For putting your hand

Into my heaped-up heart

And passing over

All the foolish, weak things

that you can’t help

dimly seeing there,

And for drawing out

Into the light

All the beautiful belongings

that no one else had looked

quite far enough to find

I love you because you

Are helping me to make

of the lumber of my life

Not a tavern

but a temple

out of the works

of my every day

Not a reproach

but a song

I love you

because you have done

more than any creed

could have done

to make me good

And more than any fate

could have done

to make me happy.

You have done it

without a touch

without a word

without a sign

You have done it
