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第20部分(第2/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 模擬想輔佐女帝被拒成為亂臣賊子聯盟:我,職業賽場通天代!王者:六邊形戰士開創AG王朝逆天萌獸:絕世妖女傾天下網遊:道士最弱?菜就多練!末世:多子多福,從高冷班花開始別人過末世,我無敵戰爭系統在末世全球壽命抽獎:只有我能指定獎勵夢幻西遊:最強屌絲系統足球:年年賣球星,年年拿冠軍!修仙:我真沒想當舔狗!永劫:決賽替補開局爆殺絕代雙驕重生之李氏仙路穿越:逆襲籃球之星我的精靈訓練家模擬器姑娘使不得啊網遊:開局霸佔富豪榜!末世網遊:開局唯一超神級天賦影視編輯器

e hummed a little; Harry said; and Percy roused himself enough from his funk to say that the lugoon dripped spittle from his lax lower lip; a drop at a time; until it had made a puddle between his feet。 Like a dog dripping off the end of its tongue on a hot summer day。

They drove in through the south gate when they got to the pen; right past my car; I guess。 The guard on the south pass tan back the big door between the lot and the exercise yard; and the stagecoach drove through。 It was a slack time in the yard; not many men out and most of them hoeing in the garden。 Pumpkin time; it would have been。 They drove straight across to E Block and stopped。 The driver opened the door and told them he was going to take the stagecoach over to the motor…pool to have the oil changed; it had been good working with them。 The extra guards went with the vehicle; two of them sitting in the back eating apples; the doors now swinging open。

That left Dean; Harry and Percy with one shackled prisoner。 It should have been enough; would have been enough; if they hadn't been lulled by the stick thin country boy standing head…down there in the dirt with chains on his wrists and ankles。 They marched him the twelve or so paces to the door that opened into E Block; falling into the same formation we used when escorting prisoners down the Green Mile。 Harry was on his left; Dean was on his right; and Percy was behind; with his baton in his hand。 No one told me that; but I know damned well he 

