首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 綠裡奇蹟英文版 > 第26部分

第26部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 死亡億次,我複製天賦殺穿萬族!王者:班主任竟是遊戲主播?等級無上限,百倍開始億倍升級網遊:史上最強菜鳥劍士全民領主:從吸血鬼開始無限爆兵全民遊戲:開局極夜荒野求生網遊武俠:我以長槍鎮壓萬世!全民求生:我那神奇的運氣網遊:神級序列締造者王者:全能戰神,開局和女神同居進球至上她是領主重來一次,覺醒短跑聖體伊格拉爾身為冷兵器高手會玩網遊很合理吧王者:140段通天邊,震驚全網貪婪洞窟:我的幸運提高一切機率剛子,你怎麼還在砍傳奇NBA:這個前鋒眾望所歸NBA:我要當Goat王!

ed vaguely at the doghouse; standing at the center of its beaten patch; in the middle of those aging turds。 〃Perhaps you'll excuse me;〃 he said。 〃Since I don't have to spend the afternoon in court; I thought I might visit with my family for a little bit。 A man's children are only young once。〃

〃You go ahead;〃 I said。 My lips felt numb and distant。 〃And thank you for your time。〃

〃Don't mention it;〃 he said。

I drove directly from Hammersmith's house to the prison。 It was a long drive; and this time I wasn't able to shorten it by singing songs。 It felt like all the songs had gone out of me; at least for awhile。 I kept seeing that poor little boy's disfigured face。 And Hammersmith's hand; the fingers going up and down against the thumb in a biting motion。


Wild Bill Wharton took his first trip down to the restraint room the very next day。 He spent the morning and afternoon being as quiet and good as Mary's little lamb; a state we soon discovered was not natural to him; and meant trouble。 Then; around seven…thirty that evening; Harry felt something warm splash on the cuffs of uniform pants he had put on clean just that day。 It was piss。 William Wharton was standing at his cell; showing his darkening teeth in a wide grin; and pissing all over Harry Terwilliger's pants and shoes。

〃The dirty sonofabitch must have been saving it up all day;〃 Harry said later; still disgusted and outraged。

Well; that was it。 It was time to show Will
