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第27部分(第2/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 人在荒野,櫻花亂殺開局弓箭手,滿天箭雨瞭解一下競彩足球的進行時網遊之統一全球王者:定榜雙區第一,我火爆全網NBA:開局融合鯊魚文班亞馬籃球:在NBA修仙的日子虛擬現實:這個NPC不是太正經開局解約,我用足球征服歐洲網遊:開局淪為祭品,我反手弒神王者:讓你穩村標,你拿大國標?上交求生遊戲後國家霸榜了世界OL2初之心盛霆燁葉凡唐若雪盧丹妮鄧佳哲周錚穿越成太子的小說隆霧迷眼南璃楚爍免費穿越小說沈驚覺和白小小

〃Never mind the paperwork; think of the hearing;〃 Harry said gloomily。 〃We'd lose our damned jobs。 End up picking peas down Mississippi。 You know what Mississippi is; don't you? It's the Indian word for asshole。〃

〃He ain't gonna die; and he ain't gonna swallow his tongue; either;〃 Brutal said。 〃When we open this door tomorrow; he's gonna be just fine。 Take my word for it。〃

That's the way it was; too。 The man we took back to his cell the next night at nine was quiet; pallid; and seemingly chastened。 He walked with his head down; made no effort to attack anyone when the straitjacket came off; and only stared listlessly at me when I told him it would go just the same the next time; and he just had to ask himself how much time he wanted to spend pissing in his pants and eating baby…food a spoonful at a time。

〃I'll be good; boss; I learnt my lesson;〃 he whispered in a humble little voice as we put him back in his cell。 Brutal looked at me and winked。

Late the next day; William Wharton; who was Billy the Kid to himself and never that bushwhacking John Law Wild Bill Hickok; bought a moon…pie from Old Toot…Toot。 Wharton had been expressly forbidden any such merce; but the afternoon crew was posed of floaters; as I think I have said; and the deal went down。 Toot himself undoubtedly knew better; but to him the snack…wagon was always a case of a nickel is a nickel; a dime is a dime; I'd sing another chorus but I don't have the time。

That night; when B

