首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 綠裡奇蹟片段 > 第21部分

第21部分(第4/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 全職明星網遊:從一場邂逅開始開局系統已壞,只好帶威少拿冠軍吞噬星空之支取天賦什麼邪法?我這是正兒八經的正法從武道通神開始小富則安多我一個後富怎麼了我沒落網,憑什麼說我有罪!別再催眠我了,反派皇女!三國:我不是曹睿1991我的年代華娛熱血傳奇之笑傲江湖領主:我的蟻族無限進化網遊:無限揹包,放裝備就變強封神直播間這個傳奇不對勁全民大航海,我開局一條幽靈船遊戲現實雙面板,別人刷怪我看海全民荒野求生,開局SSS級天賦

tten so far and just quit on it。

What she said was 〃Don't let this stop you!〃

I gawped at her。

〃Close your mouth; Paul … you'll catch a fly。〃

〃Sorry。 It's just that 。。。 well 。 。 。〃

〃You thought I was going to tell you just the opposite; didn't you?〃

〃Yes。 〃

She took my hands in hers (gently; so gently … her long and beautiful fingers; her bunched and ugly knuckles) and leaned forward; fixing my blue eyes with her hazel ones; the left slightly dimmed by the mist of a coalescing cataract。 〃I may be too old and brittle to live;〃 she said; 〃but I'm not too old to think。 What's a few sleepless nights at our age? What's seeing a ghost on the TV; for that matter? Are you going to tell me it's the only one you've ever seen?〃

I thought about Warden Moores; and Harry Terwilliger; and Brutus Howell; I thought about MY mother; and about Jan; my wife; who died in Alabama。 I knew about ghosts; all right。

〃No;〃 I said。 〃It wasn't the first ghost I've ever seen。 But Elaine … it was a shock。 Because it was him。〃

She kissed me again; then stood up; wincing as she did so and pressing the heels of her hands to the tops of her hips; as if she were afraid they might actually explode out through her skin if she wasn't very careful。

〃I think I've changed my mind about the television;〃 she said。 〃I've got an extra pill that I've been keeping for a rainy day 。。。 or night。 I think I'll take it and go back to bed。 Maybe you sho


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