首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 綠裡奇蹟結局 > 第49部分

第49部分(第2/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 虹卡對決網壇之資料天王王者:扮演女英雄,我成全民女神領主:開局召喚齊天大聖孫悟空女裝一萬次,我不乾淨了!生存遊戲:開局給個王寶釧別人公路求生,我開局招募大兵擁有魔王基因的我,真沒想吃軟飯網遊三國佔山為王nba歷史最強球員網遊:開局成為邪龍之子全民副本,我能自選獎勵遊戲降臨:從單機開始逐步成神人在荒野,櫻花亂殺開局弓箭手,滿天箭雨瞭解一下競彩足球的進行時網遊之統一全球王者:定榜雙區第一,我火爆全網NBA:開局融合鯊魚文班亞馬籃球:在NBA修仙的日子

Coffey; ma'am。〃

〃Coffey like the drink。〃

〃Yes; ma'am; only spelled different。〃

She lay back against her pillows; propped up but not quite sitting up; looking at him。 He sat beside her; looking back; and the light from the lamp circled them like they were actors on a stage … the hulking black man in the prison overall and the small dying white woman。 She stared into John's eyes with shining fascination。


〃Yes; John Coffey?〃 The words barely breathed; barely slipping to us on the bad…smelling; air。 I felt the muscles bunching on my arms and legs and back。 Somewhere; far away; I could feel the warden clutching my arm; and to the side of my vision I could see Harry and Brutal with their arms around each other; like little kids lost in the night。 Something was going to happen。 Something big。 We each felt it in our own way。

John Coffey bent closer to her。 The springs of the bed creaked; the bedclothes rustled; and the coldly smiling moon looked in through an upper pane of the bedroom window。 Coffey's bloodshot eyes searched her upturned haggard face。

〃O; I see it;〃 he said。 Speaking not to her … I don't think so; anyway … but to himself。 〃I see it; and I can help。 Hold still 。。。 hold right still 。。 。〃

Closer he bent; and closer still。 For a moment his huge face stopped less than two inches from hers。 He raised one hand off to the side; fingers splayed; as if telling something to wait 。。。 just wait 。。。 and then he lower

