第39頁(第1/4 頁)
[87]see the detailed aount of his ronation by peter the patrician de ceri410 ffrelyg on theophanes i,103 and syon logothetes(leo gra111),wvon sickel,&l;das byzantische kronungsrecht bis zu 10jahrh,bz 7(1898),517 f,539 f,has ferred that arcian was crowned by the patriarch,and this view has been nerally aepted(as by yself the first edition of this book)a different view has been put forward by wenssl,&r;zur fra nach der ersten kaiserkronung durch den patriarchen und zur bedeutung dieses aktes i wahlzereoniell&r;,bz 42(1942),101 ff(pleted,wurzburg 1947);he has found a ore ncsive terpretation of the relevant urces and i now ncur his ncsion that the first iperial ronation which the patriarch took an active part was that of leo i who figures first on the list of the aounts of the old ronations nstante&r;s book of cereonies
[88]cfwenssl,&l;zur toreskronung und schilderhebung bei der kaiserwahl&r;,klio 35(1942),268 ff
[89]on chronology see ewbrooks,&l;the eperor zenon and the isaurians&r;,ehr 8(1893),212 and note 16;bury,later roep12,318 and note 2
[90]cflschidt,schichte der wandalen(1942),89 ff;curtois,les vandales et l&r;afrie,paris 1955,201 ff
[91]cfewbrooks,&l;the eperor zenon and the isaurians&r;,ehr 8(1893),216,with references to urces
[92]cflschidt,die ostranen,88 ff,337 ff;wenssl,theoderich der grosse,2nd ed,unich 1959
[93]the text of the iperial letter is evagri,edbidez-parntier,pp101-4for the repudiation which basilisc was