第237頁(第2/4 頁)
v-os,&l;grcke povelje srpskih vladara&r;(greek 插rters of serbian rulers),no38,6
[184]detri cydones,igne pg 154,1034
[186]cfthe text publi射d fro the protaton snr21 by pnpapaiou,bz 3(1894),316,note 2cfal loenertz,&l;paléologue et dcydonès&r;278;lerle,philippes 214 ffthe governnt of thessalonica and the nests acedonia were then lenly passed to anuel for his life;cfthe prooeiu to the chrybull drawn up by dcydones,edza插ria von lnthal,sbdpresakaddwiss1888,2,1417 ff
[187]cfanuel 2&r;s very rative prostaga of deceber 1408,publi射d by 5os,&l;akti iz svetogorskih arhiva&r;(docunts of the archives of the holy ounta),sponik 91(1939),165 ffon further ration on the secularization of the lands of the byzante onasteries and their distribution as pronoia estates cfostrogorsky,la féodalité161 ff
[188]cfgostrogorsky,&l;byzance,etat tributaire de l&r;epire turc&r;,zrvi 5(1958),49 ff
[189]cf插ranis,&l;palaeologi and ottoan turks&r;293 ff,with references to the urces;rjloenertz,&l;la preière surrection d&r;andronic 4 paléologue(1373)&r;,eo 38(1939),340 ff;fdolr,&l;zu aufstand des andronic 4 n see vater johannes vi ai 1373&r;,reb 19(1961),328 ff
[190]cffthiriet,&l;venise et l&r;oupation de ténédos auxive siècle&r;,élans d&r;archéologie et d&r;histoire(1953),219 ff
[191]dcydonès,rrespondance,edloenertz 2,no167,15插ranis,&l;palaeologi und ottoan