第236頁(第2/4 頁)
rle,actes de kut no34,p131,jverpeaux,&l;le curs honoru de théodore étochite&r;,reb 18(1960),195 ff;isevcenko,etudes sur la poléie entre théodore étochite et nicéphore chounos,brsels 1962,272 ffcfal andreeva,ocerki 39
[165]ljubic,onuhistslavrid3,266;safarik,glasnik srpskog ucenog drtva 12(1860),13
[166]hopf,schichte 1,448
[167]cfthe full discsion by lerle,phillipes,206 ffwho is the first to have given a clear aount of the activities of the o brothers
[168]halecki,un epereur 17 ff,sees to overestiate the significance of the negotiations carried out under john cantacuzen;gay,clént vi 111 ff,to who halecki refers,is far ore reservedcfal viller,&l;la estion de l&r;union deséglises&r;,revue d&r;hist el18(1922),26 ff
[169]there is a detailed analysis of the letter halecki,un epereur 31 ff
[170]beeen autun 1352 and sprg 1354,aordg to vos,&l;svpatrijarh kalist i srpska crkve&r;(the blessed patriarch callist and the serbian church),glasnik srpske pravcrkve 27(1946),202
[171]atteo villani,uratori 14,567
[172]the chronology of the turkish nests is very uncertaaordg to villani,uratori 14,567 f,didyotich was taken for a ti as early as 1359 and then fally fell noveber 1361aordg to panaret of trebizond,edolapsidis(1958),74,15,adrianople appears to have been last byzante hands 1362cfjirek,archiv fslavphilol 14(1892),260 and bz 18(1909)582 fbabr,beitra 46 f,would like to put back