第235頁(第1/4 頁)
[132]cfthe iportant study by fdolr,&l;johannes 6kantakuzenos als dynastischer legitiist&r;,annales de l&r;stkondakov 10(1938),19 ff,esp25 and 30 with the references to the urces
[133]cfn16(1904),638 and 18(1905),39 f
[134]on the date cfalovjev,&l;car dan u serezu&r;(tzar dan at serres),jugoslistorcapis 1(1935),474on the estion of the uth-eastern frontier of dan&r;s kgdo cfthe observations of kjirecek,archiv fsalv phil17(1892),262 f,who disagrees with the view of snovakovicthat the serbian border extended as far as the aricacfal lerle,phillipes,197 ffthe estion has recently been studied by gskrivanic,&l;o juzni i jugoistoi granicaa srpske drzave za vre cara dana i posle njegove srti&r;(istorcapis 11(1960),1 ff)。
[135]for a closer deteration of the date when dan assud the title of eperor(end of noveber of deceber 1345)cflaskaris,&l;povelje srpskih vladalaca u grcki publikacijaa&r;(插rters of serbian rulers greek publications),prilozi za knjizevnost 8(1928),185 ff his greek 插rters dan calls hiself after the byzante styleon the other hand,the serbian title,which has any or variations,runs:&l;stefan v christa boga verni car srblie i grko&r;(stephen christ our god the devout tzar of serbs and greeks)cfststanojevic,&l;studije o srpskoj diploatici&r;(studies serbian diploatic),glas srpske akad106(1923),40 ff,and ostrogorsky,&l;avtokrator&r;154 ffon the ethnical re-terpretation of the roan iperial nception by dan and the