首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 簡愛英文版電影百度雲 > 第53部分

第53部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 模擬想輔佐女帝被拒成為亂臣賊子聯盟:我,職業賽場通天代!王者:六邊形戰士開創AG王朝逆天萌獸:絕世妖女傾天下網遊:道士最弱?菜就多練!末世:多子多福,從高冷班花開始別人過末世,我無敵戰爭系統在末世全球壽命抽獎:只有我能指定獎勵夢幻西遊:最強屌絲系統足球:年年賣球星,年年拿冠軍!修仙:我真沒想當舔狗!永劫:決賽替補開局爆殺絕代雙驕重生之李氏仙路穿越:逆襲籃球之星我的精靈訓練家模擬器姑娘使不得啊網遊:開局霸佔富豪榜!末世網遊:開局唯一超神級天賦影視編輯器

wn。 After a brief stay there; I shall bear my treasure to regions nearer the sun: to French vineyards and Italian plains; and she shall see whatever is famous in old story and in modern record: she shall taste; too; of the life of cities; and she shall learn to value herself by just parison with others。”

“Shall I travel?—and with you; sir?”

“You shall sojourn at Paris; Rome; and Naples: at Florence; Venice; and Vienna: all the ground I have wandered over shall be re…trodden by you: wherever I stamped my hoof; your sylph’s foot shall step also。 Ten years since; I flew through Europe half mad; with disgust; hate; and rage as my panions: now I shall revisit it healed and cleansed; with a very angel as my forter。”

I laughed at him as he said this。 “I am not an angel;” I asserted; “and I will not be one till I die: I will be myself。 Mr。 Rochester; you must neither expect nor exact anything celestial of me—for you will not get it; any more than I shall get it of you: which I do not at all anticipate。”

“What do you anticipate of me?”

“For a little while you will perhaps be as you are now;—a very little while; and then you will turn cool; and then you will be capricious; and then you will be stern; and I shall have much ado to please you: but when you get well used to me; you will perhaps like me again;—like me; I say; not love me。 I suppose your love will effervesce in six months; or less。 I have observed in books written by men; that period as
