首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 我是誰電視劇 > 第50章 老大和跟班

第50章 老大和跟班(第1/6 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網遊之驚天傳說網遊:滿級了還在新手村殺兔子全民試煉:天賦重構網遊:從三國征戰萬朝開局十個神話天賦,你怎麼和我打虛擬降臨:我成了一槍核爆人開局點滿頭球天賦,梅西嚇哭了足球小將,你管這叫17歲?老爸用我照片網戀,富婆找我奔現!生存遊戲升級日常籃壇:我在NBA加點成超巨超!猛萌召喚師說好的水靈根,你批次生產神器?籃壇之史上最強GOAT足球:我從小就是天才開局獲得滿級速度,殺穿五大聯賽領主求生:我有暗區突圍系統說好全民求生,你來海島度假開局退婚十個未婚妻庸者


“Are they drug hunters?(他們是獵毒師?)”格雷格從敵人的身上看到了獵毒師特有的紋身。

“Aren't you unwilling to e? why did you change your mind again?(你不是不肯來嗎?為什麼又改變主意了?)”馬克思警長問道。

“Ginny is missing, I suspect they did it!(金妮不見了,我懷疑是他們乾的!)”格雷格道。

“Anyway, if you're willing to e, I still want to thank you!(不管怎麼樣都好,你肯來我還是要謝謝你!)”馬克思警長微笑道。

“please put away your hypocrisy, I'm not for you, I'm for Ginny!(請收起你的虛情假意,我不是為了你,我是為了金妮!)”格雷格冷冷地道。

“I understand. wele to join my friend!(我明白,歡迎你的加入我的朋友!)”馬克思警長道。

“e on, I didn't say I wanted to join you. I came to see you purely because I wanted to understand the organization of poison hunters.(少來,我並沒有說要加入你,來找你完全是因為想要了解獵毒師這個組織。)”格雷格道。

“You're right, they're drug hunters, but I don't know if they caught Ginny.(你說的沒錯,他們就是獵毒師,但是不是他們抓了金妮我就不知道了。)”馬克思警長道。

“who is their boss?(他們的老大是誰?)”格雷格問道。

“their leader's name is Antonio, and he es from a Jewish family.(他們的老大叫安東尼奧,他出自一個猶太人的家庭。)”馬克思警長道。

“their leader is a descendant of Jews!(他們的老大是猶太人的後代!)”聽馬克思警長這麼說,格雷格吃驚地道。

“that's right! It is said that he established the organization poison hunter because his parents were ostracized and persecuted. he wanted to avenge every anti Semitic person and threatened to let them die without a burial ground.(沒錯!據說他是因為父母受到排斥和迫害,所以才建立獵毒師這個組織的。他要向每一個反猶的人士復仇,並揚言要讓他們死無葬身之地。)”馬克思警長介紹道。

“okay, so he's a paranoid religious figure!(好吧,原來他是一個偏執的宗教分子!)”格雷格道。

“Yes, he's just a paranoid

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