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第207 二十二1(第1/4 頁)

最新都市言情小說: 鄙人的妖孽團隊,狂掃諸天萬界釣魚系統!你既然不務正業開酒樓重返八零:這富家公子我不當了狂飆,我賣房子賺了幾萬億都市重生之最強人生江水滔滔我娶的老婆在過去都市曖昧李二狗的梟雄生涯花開春來晚想躺平,卻被娛樂圈女人們套路了系統紀元,時空之旅重生18還帶掛?我躺進清北!隱藏身份追校花,被阿姨發現了林景與葉子的愛情傳奇故事不奢求不屬於自己的愛一品農夫:我打造了一座靈山靈氣復甦:無聊的我想找點樂子苟道無敵,我的底牌有億點多御獸:悟性逆天,開局須佐套大佛


-qiao Jingjing: can we set up a \"family dream piggy bank\" at noon? Every family member can save money for his little dream. time: dream piggy bank sounds interesting. we can use the money saved to realize our small wishes, such as buying a book or a small musical instrument. qiao Jingjing: Yes, we can also set up a \"family dream wall\" where everyone writes down their dreams and attaches a piggy bank, so that they can see their goals every day. time: Jingjing, can we start a \"family health challenge for 100 days\"? Encourage the whole family to stay healthy.You can also play family sports regularly, such as badminton, basketball or running. this can not only exercise, but also cultivate team spirit. \" Jojo nodded and said. \"moreover, we can make family goals together, such as pleting a puzzle together, planting a plant or learning a new language.\" Jingjing added. \"well, we can encourage each other and grow together in the process of achieving our goals.\" Agree at the time. Jojo and Jingjing are getting more and more excited. they can't wait to start these innovative family activities. they believe that through these activities, family life will beeqiao Jingjing: In this way, we can improve our family's health awareness and enhance the interaction between family members. time: Jingjing, can we set up a \"home art creation space\"? provide a place for family members to create works of art freely. qiao Jingjing: Art creation space can st
