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第70頁(第1/3 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 偏偏寵上你聽雨一夜夢境來辜負我真心,離婚你後悔什麼?重生回到法庭上,我審判百萬人!鬥羅:變廢柴後,她成了唐三姐姐白月光神君和他的怨種小徒弟偏愛白月光,我去父留子你瘋什麼離死還有半年,總裁妻子悔不當初舔狗十年,我抽身而退她卻瘋了情深緣淺付流年遮天之九葉劍草臨世重生七零:娶了村花後,綠茶前任悔不當初八零:穿進換親文當神豪富養閨蜜造反成功了,你說我爺爺是秦始皇?花哨無限流:我鹹魚畫家努力不了一點詭弈玲瓏警官我真殺人了,你們怎麼不信呢!和扶弟魔老婆離婚後,我直接走上巔峰!鬥羅之開局收徒雨浩

i&039;ll never break your heart 也不會讓你心碎

and i swear by the oon and the stars the sky我發誓,當著天上的星星月亮

i&039;ll be there 我會在你左右

i swear like a shadow that&039;s byyour se 我發誓,如同守候你的背影

i&039;ll be there 我會在你左右

for better or worse till death do part 無論豐腴困厄,至死不渝

i&039;ll love you with every beat of y heart 心跳不息,我對你的愛就無止境

and i swear 我發誓

i&039;ll give you every thg i can 我願給你一切我所能給的

i&039;ll build your dreas with these o hands 用雙手為你築夢

we&039;ll hang ories on the walls 將最美好的回憶掛在牆上

and when ( and when ) jt the o of are

there 當你我獨處

you won&039;t have to ask if i still care 你不在對我的愛存疑

&039;cae as the ti turns the pa 任時光荏苒

y love won&039;t a at all 我的愛永不老去

and i swear by the oon and the stars the sky我發誓,當著天上的星星月亮

i&039;ll be there, i&039;ll be there 我會在你左右,我會在你左右

i swear like the shadow that&039;s byyour se 我發誓,如同守候你的背影

i&039;ll be there, i&039;ll be there 我會在你左右,我會在你左右

for better or worse 無論豐腴困厄

till death do part 至死不渝

i&039;ll love you with every beat of y heart 心跳不息,我對你的愛就無止境 and i swear 我發誓

i swear by the oon and stars the sky我發誓,當著天上的星星月亮

i&039;ll be there, i&039;ll be there 我會在你左右,我會在你左右

i swear like the shadow that&039;s byyour se 我發誓,如同守候你的背影

i&039;ll be there, i&039;ll be there 我會在你左右,我會在你左右

for better or worse 無論豐腴困厄

till death do part 至死不渝

i&039;ll love you with every
