第16頁(第1/3 頁)
[7]a report on work byzante enoic and cial history was given by gibratianu,&l;lesétudes byzantes d&r;histoireénoie et ciale,b 14(1939),497-511cfal what is virtually a survey by p插ranis,&l;on the cial structure of the later roan epire&r;,b 17(1944-5),39-57for recent research on legal history cfthe detailed report by bgowitz,&l;die byzantische rechtsschichte i spiel der neuerscheunn&r;,saecu 4(1953),313-33 and see al the brief aount of jde alafosse,&l;chronie de droit byzant&r;,b 32(1962),605-19for recently publi射d docunts see apkazdan,&l;novye aterialy po vnutrennej istorii vizantii x-xv vv&r;(new aterial for the ternal history of byzantiu fro the tenth to the fifteenth centuries),vv 13(1958),302-13
[8]cfthe excellent reports on research the field of byzante diploatic by grouillard,&l;la diploatie byzante depuis 1905&r;,b 13(1938),605-29,and fdolr,&l;bullet diploatie&r;,reb 7(1949),69-90
[9]vlaurent,&l;bullet de sigillographie byzante&r;,b 5(1929-30),571-654,6(1931),771-829,and&l;bullet de nuisatie byzante 1940-49&r;,reb 9(1951),192-251
[10]a new edition of the first vo has been posthuoly publi射d french by jrpalane(este,histoire du bas-epire,1,1959).
[1] 以下1個段落為本書1969年英文版的新增內容。
第1章 早期拜佔廷國家:其發展及特徵(324~610年)