第65頁(第1/5 頁)
[122]basilica 5,p190(edheibach)。
[123]research to the history of the byzante city relation to the ancient polis is still at an early staapart fro the iportant work of bratianu,privilès,it is only the last few years that a nuber of studies on this proble have appearedsee especially ekirsten,&l;die byzantische stadt&r;,berichte zu Ⅺternationalen byzantisten-kongress,unich 1958;fdolr,&l;die fr&uul;hbyzantische und byzantisch beefsste stadt&r;,atti dei 3°ngres ternazionale di studi sull&r;alto dioevo,spoleto 1958,1 ff;gostrogorsky,&l;byzante cities the early iddle as&r;,dop 13(1959),45 ffiportant ntributions have been ade by byzante scholars the sr particular there is first the stiulatg discsion by apkazdan,&l;vizantijskie goroda v 7-Ⅺ vekach&r;(byzante cities fro the seventh to the eleventh centuries),vetskaja archeologija 21(1954),164 ff,and derevnja i gorod, which he argues for an extensive decle byzante cities the early iddle as,while eelipsic,&l;k voprosu o gorode v vizantii 8-9 vv&r;(on the estion of the city bvzantiu fro the eighth to the nth centuries),556(1953),113 ffand ocerki,87 ff,jsjuzjuov,&l;rol&r;godorov-eporiev v istorii vizantii&r;(the role of arket-towns byzante history),558(1956),26 ff,both aept, y view rrectly,the unbroken ntuity of byzante citiescfal the prehensive aount of city and villa byzantiu by nvpigulevskaja,eelipsic,jsjuzjuov and apkazdan,&l;gorod i derevnja v vizantii v 4-Ⅻ vv&r;(town and untry byzantiu fro the fourth