第84頁(第2/4 頁)
ic and greek),552(1895),78-151;gostrogorsky,&l;slavjanskij perevod chroniki siona logofeta&r;(the slavonic translation of the chronicle of syon the logothete),sk 5(1932),17 ff;akazdan,&l;chronika siona logofeta&r;(the chronicle of syon the logothete),5515(1959),125 ffcfal the literature given oravcsik,byzantoturcica,1,517 ff
[6]for the estion of the urces of nesi and the&l;theophanes ntuat&r;,see the recent study of fbarisic,&l;les urces de génésios et du ntuateur de théophane pour l&r;histoire du règne de ichel 2&r;,b 31(1961),257 ff,who deonstrates aongst other thgs that for the reign of i插el 2(820-9)both authors e the nteporary work of sergi hoolotes ntioned the bibliotheca of photicfal ide,dve verzije u izvoria o taniku toi(o versions of the urces on thoas&r;revolt),zrvi 6(1960),145 ff,and see al p210 below under ch4,urces
[7]there are at present three editions:dujcev,spisanie na bulgakadna naukite(publications of the bulgarian acadey of sciences),54(1936),147 ff;besevliev,godisnik na fijskija universitet(yearbook of the university of fia),33,2(1936);grégoire,b 11(1936),417 ff addition to the aounts of the byzante urces,the scriptions old bulgarian are al iportant for the history of bulgaria the nth century:5besevliev,&l;purvobulgarski nadpisi&r;(the earliest bulgarian scriptions),godisnik na funiv31,1(1934)and&l;dobavki i opravki&r;,ibid32,5(1935);cfhgrégoire,&l;les urcesépigraphies de l&r;histoire bulgar