第241頁(第1/4 頁)
[257]cfzakythos,despotat 1,226 ff
[258]cfkrekic,opcit149 ff
[259]the letters of the huanist ciria of anna throw pletely new light on the events of 1444 and particularly on the agreent at adrianoplethese have been ade available by fpall,&l;ciria d&r;anna e la crociata ntro i turchi&r;,bullhistde l&r;acadrouae 20(1938),9-68,and ohalecki,the crade of varnaa discsion of ntroversial probles,new york 1943,has reprted the a new seenceboth scholars are,however, plete disagreent their evaation of the circtances which led to the catastrophe of varnasupportg a thesis put forward before polish historiography,halecki attepts to show that kg vladislav never signed a peace treaty with the sultan, that the treaty of szed is only a lend and the young jallon was not guilty of breakg his oathhalecki,pp67 ff,is not,however,suessful his attepts to expn away a nuber of well-rd and dependent urces which are agreent offerg evidence to the ntrarythe very opposite to the aount which he would like to ata is given by a nuber of nteporaries fro different untries and different positions,as for stance uhad 2,aeneas silvio pioloi(afterwards pope pi 2),the polish historian dgosz and the scholar galka,the burgundian walerand of wawr,the byzantes ducas and 插lndylespall is therefore jtified rejectg any doubts about the historicity of the treaty of szed and the fact of the breach;cffpall,&l;autour de la croisade de varna:la estion de la paix de sced et de sa rupture&r;,bullhistde l&r;ac