首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 簡愛英文版讀後感150字 > 第34部分

第34部分(第2/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 死亡億次,我複製天賦殺穿萬族!王者:班主任竟是遊戲主播?等級無上限,百倍開始億倍升級網遊:史上最強菜鳥劍士全民領主:從吸血鬼開始無限爆兵全民遊戲:開局極夜荒野求生網遊武俠:我以長槍鎮壓萬世!全民求生:我那神奇的運氣網遊:神級序列締造者王者:全能戰神,開局和女神同居進球至上她是領主重來一次,覺醒短跑聖體伊格拉爾身為冷兵器高手會玩網遊很合理吧王者:140段通天邊,震驚全網貪婪洞窟:我的幸運提高一切機率剛子,你怎麼還在砍傳奇NBA:這個前鋒眾望所歸NBA:我要當Goat王!

tand on one side; so that; screened by the curtain; I could see without being seen。

The ten minutes John had given seemed very long; but at last wheels were heard; four equestrians galloped up the drive; and after them came two open carriages。 Fluttering veils and waving plumes filled the vehicles; two of the cavaliers were young; dashing…looking gentlemen; the third was Mr。 Rochester; on his black horse; Mesrour; Pilot bounding before him; at his side rode a lady; and he and she were the first of the party。 Her purple riding…habit almost swept the ground; her veil streamed long on the breeze; mingling with its transparent folds; and gleaming through them; shone rich raven ringlets。

“Miss Ingram!” exclaimed Mrs。 Fairfax; and away she hurried to her post below。

The cavalcade; following the sweep of the drive; quickly turned the angle of the house; and I lost sight of it。 Adèle now petitioned to go down; but I took her on my knee; and gave her to understand that she must not on any account think of venturing in sight of the ladies; either now or at any other time; unless expressly sent for: that Mr。 Rochester would be very angry; &c。 “Some natural tears she shed” on being told this; but as I began to look very grave; she consented at last to wipe them。

A joyous stir was now audible in the hall: gentlemen’s deep tones and ladies’ silvery accents blent harmoniously together; and distinguishable above all; though not loud; was the sonorous voice of the 

