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第60部分(第2/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 死亡億次,我複製天賦殺穿萬族!王者:班主任竟是遊戲主播?等級無上限,百倍開始億倍升級網遊:史上最強菜鳥劍士全民領主:從吸血鬼開始無限爆兵全民遊戲:開局極夜荒野求生網遊武俠:我以長槍鎮壓萬世!全民求生:我那神奇的運氣網遊:神級序列締造者王者:全能戰神,開局和女神同居進球至上她是領主重來一次,覺醒短跑聖體伊格拉爾身為冷兵器高手會玩網遊很合理吧王者:140段通天邊,震驚全網貪婪洞窟:我的幸運提高一切機率剛子,你怎麼還在砍傳奇NBA:這個前鋒眾望所歸NBA:我要當Goat王!

allenge; no tears; no sobs: a few words had been spoken; a calmly pronounced objection to the marriage made; some stern; short questions put by Mr。 Rochester; answers; explanations given; evidence adduced; an open admission of the truth had been uttered by my master; then the living proof had been seen; the intruders were gone; and all was over。

I was in my own room as usual—just myself; without obvious change: nothing had smitten me; or scathed me; or maimed me。 And yet where was the Jane Eyre of yesterday?—where was her life?—where were her prospects?

Jane Eyre; who had been an ardent; expectant woman—almost a bride; was a cold; solitary girl again: her life was pale; her prospects were desolate。 A Christmas frost had e at midsummer; a white December storm had whirled over June; ice glazed the ripe apples; drifts crushed the blowing roses; on hayfield and cornfield lay a frozen shroud: lanes which last night blushed full of flowers; to… day were pathless with untrodden snow; and the woods; which twelve hours since waved leafy and flagrant as groves between the tropics; now spread; waste; wild; and white as pine…forests in wintry Norway。 My hopes were all dead—struck with a subtle doom; such as; in one night; fell on all the first…born in the land of Egypt。 I looked on my cherished wishes; yesterday so blooming and glowing; they lay stark; chill; livid corpses that could never revive。 I looked at my love: that feeling which was my master’s—which he had created;

