第133頁(第3/4 頁)
69,not 968)and the circtances of this alliance cfdanastasijevic,glasnik skopskog nauog drtva 11(1932)51 ff
[199]scylitzes-cedren2,369;zonaras 3,507nsiderable work has been done on the estion of the tetarteron,a of ferior ality issued by nicephor phocascfespecially wkubitschek,&l;zu&r;,nuiszeitschr44(1911),194 ff;gickwitz,&l;die anisationsforn eier byzantischer werbe i 10jahrhundert&r;,bz 36(1936),66 ff;fdwors插k,&l;studien zu byzantischen &uul;nesen&r;,nuiszeitschrnf29(1936),77 ff;rslopez,&l;la crise du besant au xe siècle et la date du livre du préfet&r;,élans grégoire 2(1950),403 ff;achristo-philopulos,&l;(1939),125 ff;afrolow,&r;les nos des onnaies dans le typ du pantocrator&r;,bs 10(1949),251 f;vlaurent,&l;bullet de nuisatie byzante&r;,reb 9(1951),204 f,who rightly ncdes&l;a on sens,rien n&r;est tranchédans cette estion de tetarteron&r;but see now the terestg,and y opion nvcg,attept at an terpretation of this difficult proble by hélène ahrweiler-glykatzi,&l;nouvelle hypothèse sur le tétarèron d&r;or et la politie onétaire de nicéphore phocas&r;,zrvi 8,1(1963),1 ffaordg to her,the tetarteron of nicephor phocas ntaed only one-elfth less gold than the noisa of noral weight,and was therefore of 22 carat gold
[200]cfthe note dvdobsuppl47 and 48(zepos,j 1,249,n1)on nicephor phocas&r;novel agast the onasteries,插ranis,&l;onastic properties&r;61,aga puts forward the view that the la