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第7部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網遊之我有一箭可弒神NBA:冠軍之王最強領主:我,天使與亡靈之主網遊:開局滿星賬號,爆殺全服路法歸,遇端木!夢幻西遊:簽到打卡就能無敵遊戲女尊一天一模擬,硬控亂世一百年穿越00後動漫融合的世界網遊:從被逼女裝到自願女裝請叫我腐爛網遊之大陸征服SAN值歸零後我成了高危BUG寶可夢真實畫渣又怎樣?我靠神筆一路躺贏文明:從不死族到太空死靈我不是賤聖我成了二週目BOSS王者:執掌AG,我是抽卡冠軍!開局選擇亡靈:我有ss級天賦

“That proves you have a wicked heart; and you must pray to God to change it: to give you a new and clean one: to take away your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh。”

I was about to propound a question; touching the manner in which that operation of changing my heart was to be performed; when Mrs。 Reed interposed; telling me to sit down; she then proceeded to carry on the conversation herself。

“Mr。 Brocklehurst; I believe I intimated in the letter which I wrote to you three weeks ago; that this little girl has not quite the character and disposition I could wish: should you admit her into Lowood school; I should be glad if the superintendent and teachers were requested to keep a strict eye on her; and; above all; to guard against her worst fault; a tendency to deceit。 I mention this in your hearing; Jane; that you may not attempt to impose on Mr。 Brocklehurst。”

Well might I dread; well might I dislike Mrs。 Reed; for it was her nature to wound me cruelly; never was I happy in her presence; however carefully I obeyed; however strenuously I strove to please her; my efforts were still repulsed and repaid by such sentences as the above。 Now; uttered before a stranger; the accusation cut me to the heart; I dimly perceived that she was already obliterating hope from the new phase of existence which she destined me to enter; I felt; though I could not have expressed the feeling; that she was sowing aversion and unkindness along my future path; I saw m

天才寶寶:總裁別動我媽咪冥帝臣服,逆天狂妃魔法卷軸製造師穿越皇后闖蕩江湖:皇后要出宮宮記.晏然傳 完結畫之情堅,君心不忘