第235頁(第2/4 頁)
tzars of the send bulgarian epire cfostrogorsky,&l;die byzantische staaten-hierarchie&r;,sekond8(1936),47,note 9there is an terestg ntribution to the history of dan&r;s title of tzar and its regnition or non-regnition by foreign powers by dic,&l;danova carska titula u ocia savrenika&r;(the title of the tzar dan the eyes of nteporaries),zbornik u cast seste stogodisnjice zakonika cara dana,1(1951),87 ffcfal ide,&l;srpska vladarska titula za vre carstva&r;(the title of the serbian ruler the days of the tzardo),zrvi 5(1958),9 ff
[136]his greek deeds of gift are odelled all respects on the byzante iperial 插rterscfthe texts given by alovjev-vos,grcke povelje srpskih vladara(greek 插rters of serbian rulers),belgrade 1936
[137]cfgostrogorsky&l;k istorii iuniteta v vizantii&r;,vv 13(1958),87 ff
[138]a detailed survey of the extensive literature on the de of dan is given by nradojcic zbornik u cast seste stogodisnjice zakonikna cara dana,1(1951),207 ff
[139]cfjirecek,schichte i,369
[140]nicgregoras i,747
[141]cfjirecek,schichte 1,386alovjev,&l;greceskie archonty v serbsko carstve xivv&r;(greek nobles the serbian epire the foruteenth century),bs 2(1930),275 ff;gostrogorsky,&l;dan i njegova vlastela u borbi sa vizantijo&r;(dan and his nobility the struggle with byzantiu),zbornik cara dana 1(1951),83 ff
[142] a docunt to venice(15 october 1345)issued fro the nered serres;sljubic,onuhistslavr2,278
[143]cfiller,essays 298 ff