首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 非梧不棲完整版 > 第21部分

第21部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 巨獸求生戰場:開局獲得幸運七!末世想苟,可我開局雙神天賦夢幻西遊:壕壕壕壕壕壕壕壕壕壕被雷劈,然後獲得天降美少女?全民海島求生:我能聽到萬物心聲華夏魔術師:全NBA都想斷我球詭海求生,什麼女船員呀,是祂們三國殺:命運抽牌,我化身大西王我的系統太懂女主了異維文字遊戲公路求生:和姐姐一起靠莊園苟到天災求生,全民守護鹹魚領主網遊之仙途覺醒:自帶頂級功法聯盟之最強財閥上單美利堅:從每日情報開始這個巫師只想帶學生修仙:我有一個物品欄別人聽勸仿明星,你開局扮神明?網遊之我在遊戲裡封神三國從海島屯田開始

When we stood in front of it; the glass door swung open at once; and a beautiful waitress said wele to us as she led us to the second floor。 The environment of the Pizza hut was indeed enjoyable。 It was lit by many *all lamps on the ceiling。 These tables were laid with glittering china plates and polished knives and forks。 After we settled down at a square table; another young waitress emerged with two ornate menus。

Examining the menus in curiosity; Rachel and I discussed about food here animatedly。

“My friends told me there was a kind of dessert which tastes very delicious。 I want to find it out and order it。” Said Rachel; hastily checking the menu cover to cover; “Right; here it is!” She let out an excited shout; pointing at a certain picture。 I pulled the menu nearer to read the name of it: “Firenze Tiramisu? How does it taste?” “Oh; it has the chocolate fl*or; with many tiers which mix cream; ice…cream and cake。” Then she turned to the waitress; “I want Firenze Tiramisu。” “Me too!” I added quickly。

“Hey; what kind of pizza do you two prefer?” asked mom; helping us turn the menu to the particular page which contained various pizza; and all of them made you feel hungry at the sight of them。

“we would like the one boasts different fl*ors!” answered Rachel and I。 Then we said: “the Super Supreme Pan Pizza will be suitable。” Mom told the waitress; “We want the 6 inches Super Supreme Pan Pizza。”

“We h*e a few specials on the menu these da

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