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第25部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 森林求生:有提示的我苟的很放肆求生:從茅草屋開始踏上巔峰離譜!開局軍火系統怎麼輸王者:頂尖野王,全網主播哭泣我!開局三個天賦技能太多了全民領主:地精弱?那就建奇觀!SS級天賦,代價是變成女生?領主:我願建立一方樂土你為什麼不打籃球?雙職業,無限重置,閣下如何應對第四天災:玩家對抗玩的就是真實足球教練,我選擇國足分身都是樂子人,他信了他信了!全民巨魚求生:我能聽到巨魚心聲綻放於冬網遊三國:從南海開始,虎視天下網遊:金色天賦用來打金怎麼樣?求生試煉:從貓女開始進化1984,我在公牛隊當老闆

Sunday; November 04; 2007

Since I became a member of the study department in the student Union; I h*e done many concrete things with my colleagues such as painting posters; designing questionnaires。 We took delight in cooperating to do our tasks better。

Our beloved minister; Jessica; was about to h*e her farm study (which means living in farmers’ house for 1 week; to help with farmers and apply what are learnt from books to practice and carry out research。 And it is a tradition of our school which last for roughly 20 years。); so it was important to choose someone among us to take her position temporarily to ensure that everything went *oothly。

Thus Jessica began a *all election campaign today and all of us had prepared to run for the position。 Each candidate g*e a concise speech within 2 minutes to convince others of his ability。

After Jessica had read all the votes handed in; she announced: “Two of you; Juliet and Mary; who h*e got the same votes; are about to be the deputy minister when I am in the countryside。” Therefore; I rose to power as the deputy minister。

It had never occurred to me that a minister has that much to deal with only when I was in the position。 For instance; there was a meeting held by the study department for students to get access to the administrators of the school so that proposal can be put forward or problems can be reflected in time。 The supervisor of the Students Union made demands on our department of a r
