首頁 > 遊戲競技 > flipped清潔劑 > 第27部分

第27部分(第3/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 矩陣生存:每天一個隨機寶箱羅天藍秀兒小說最新章節免費閱讀羅天藍秀兒免費閱讀無彈窗九卷天書諸天無敵羅天藍秀兒九卷天書諸天無敵丸子先生羅天藍秀兒九卷天書諸天無敵最新章節線上閱讀羅天藍秀兒小說全文免費閱讀九卷天書諸天無敵小說全文免費閱讀全民十連抽,我能看到抽獎機率夏天司馬蘭網遊:得知我的天賦,妹子們跪了網遊:蛻變之路無限刷屬性,一箭射爆諸天林默安幼魚我的養成系女友免費閱讀全文林默安幼魚我的養成系女友最新章節線上閱讀我的養成系女友佛系和尚詭霧降臨,我洞穿一切機緣御蘿她拒絕封神公路求生,我能入侵修改系統網遊之我的屬性變變變

and when we'd all pretty

much plied with her request; she picked a stack of

bright yellow papers off her desk; fanned them with an evil grin; and said; “It's time to vote for

basket boys!”

A wave of relief swept across the room。 “Basket boys? You mean it's not a quiz?”

She ticked through the stack; counting ballots as she spoke。 “It is like a quiz in that I don't

want you conferring with one another。 It's also like a quiz

in that you have a limited amount of time。” She slapped a set of ballots down on the first desk

of row one; then went on to the second row。 “I will

collect them from you individually when the bell rings; and I will inspect to see that you have

plied with the following instructions。” She scooted

over to row three。 “Choose five; and only five; of the boys on the list。 Do not put your name

on it; and do not discuss your choices with your

neighbors。” She was on to row four now; talking faster and faster。 “When you've made your

selections; simply turn your sheet over。” She slapped the

remainder down on the last desk。 “Do not; I repeat; do not fold your ballot!”

Robbie Castinon raised his hand and blurted out; “Why do guys have to vote。 It's lame to

have guys vote。”

“Robbie …;” Mrs。 Simmons warned。

“Seriously! What are we supposed to do? Vote for our friends or our enemies?”

A lot of people snickered; and Mrs。 Simmons scowled;

