第367章 故友相見(第1/2 頁)
“We are the eyes of the country, measuring every inch of freedom here. Those poisonous insects exist. If you don't drive them out, have you ever thought about your food being restricted by others in your future life, and even the desire to go out and wander has bee a sign of prohibition? Why is this?(翻譯:我們是國家的眼睛,丈量著這裡的每一寸自由,那些毒蟲般的存在,如果不趕出去,那接下來的生活,你們有想過自己的食物被其他人限制,連想出去外面閒逛都變成了禁止的標誌嗎?這是為什麼呢?)”
“Because those originally possessed freedoms have bee discrimination and control against us by supernatural beings, even if their numbers are small, they can still achieve the result of changing the fate of most people, but this is not right!(翻譯:因為那些本來擁有的自由,變成了異能者對於我們的歧視和控制,哪怕他們的人數很少,卻依舊能做到改變大多數人命運的結果,但這是不對的!)”
“We need to regain our freedom and drive those guys out! Let them know that even if we only have firearms in our hands, we still have the courage to protect ourselves freely!(翻譯:我們要奪回自己的自由,將那些傢伙,趕出去!讓他們知道,哪怕我們手中只有槍支,也擁有著,要將自己自由守護的勇氣!) ”
“Do you have confidence? Let me hear your voices!(翻譯:你們有信心嗎?讓我聽到你們的聲音!)
“yeah !yes !(翻譯:是的!是的!)”學生們的熱情完全被調動起來,激動的看著站在高臺上的梅特麗麗,對方露出大大的笑容,扯開自己的袖子,拿出了新的槍支,對著天花板再次開槍。
“are you ready !(翻譯:準備好了嗎!)”
底下人的話語顯然比她的聲音還要強大,在這一刻yes 的呼喊重疊了,之前看著情況不對已經有想退後的人,也被這強烈的情緒感染,舉著手中的武器,繼續沿著東廳往裡走去。
“you are funny things .(翻譯:真是滑稽的事情。)”蛇女出現在了綠廳的大門口,顯然她已經聽完了全程,只不過,或許眼前的人只